Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Souvenir Design for Faculty/Departments in University of Ibadn, Ibadan.

 A design put up for the faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan. Its a simple design which brings the beauty of art. unfortunately, it was not chosen.

 The above is the design for Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan. The concept used vividly tells us what is obtainable in the great department.

 The above concept/design was used for faculty of Science Students' Association, University of Ibadan. A lay man will recognise the concept used there as the representing body of Science.

The above design was meant for department of Library Archival and Information Studies Students' Association. The concept used tells us about information flow around the world which is obtainable from the department. 

.That is a design for Depart of Geography, University of Ibadan. As I believe we all know that Geography is all about the study of the globe, both physical and human aspect. There is a globe on the design which informs us about this. There are many more outstanding works,
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